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5 men, 5 women nominated as Homecoming royalty

Sept. 25, 2020

The Northwest Missouri State University Homecoming Committee has announced royalty candidates for the University’s 2020 Homecoming celebration.

Students may begin voting at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30, by logging into CatPAWS; voting ends at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7. The king and queen will be announced Friday, Oct. 9, at the Homecoming showcase beginning at 5 p.m. at the Memorial Bell Tower.

Northwest will celebrate its Homecoming week, “Bearcats in Outer Space,” Oct. 4-10. For a complete schedule of activities, visit

The candidates for 2020 Homecoming royalty at Northwest appear below.

King candidates

Blake Brodersen

Blake Brodersen

Blake Brodersen

Year: Senior
Major: Political science with a public administration emphasis
Hometown: Warsaw, Missouri
Campus involvement: Alpha Gamma Rho

“To me being a Bearcat means taking pride in the education I am getting at Northwest and taking pride in what I am going to accomplish with that education. Nothing makes me happier than being able to share with people that I go to Northwest Missouri State University, and I will forever be grateful to carry the title of ‘Bearcat.’”

Kirayle Jones

Kirayle Jones

Kirayle Jones

Year: Senior
Major: Education with a middle school emphasis
Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska
Campus involvement: Student Senate Executive Board, Sigma Tau Gamma, Student Ambassador Executive Board, TRIO Support Services, History Club

“Being a “Bearcat means you are the best version of yourself. Bearcats are the best in everything we do. We approach each activity and assignment with great pride and look forward to success. As a Bearcat, you are a single piece to our perfect puzzle. We stand together and we persevere.”

James Palmer

James Palmer

James Palmer

Year: Senior
Major: Political science with a criminology and criminal justice emphasis
Hometown: Kansas City, Missouri
Campus involvement: Phi Sigma Kappa, St. Jude Up’ til Dawn, Alternative Spring Break

“Being a Bearcat means so much to me, and it is hard to put it into words. Being a Bearcat to me means that I can strike up a conversation, develop bonds and create friendships with anyone. When I came to college, I was coming from a life consisting of going to school, going home, doing homework, sleeping, repeat. I told myself that I was going to change that in college, and I did. Because of Northwest, being a Bearcat means that you can challenge your past and change it. Being a Bearcat means that you can become the person you want to be.”

Connor Thompson

Connor Thompson

Connor Thompson

Year: Junior
Major: Political science with a global affairs emphasis
Hometown: Kansas City, Missouri
Campus involvement: Tau Kappa Epsilon, Up ’til Dawn, Interfraternity Council, National Society of Leadership and Success, Student Senate, Student Wellness Advisory Council

“Being a Bearcat is about helping your fellow students and being a member of a strong community. We all wish to thrive, and being a Bearcat is about helping everyone to try to achieve their goals if they are struggling. Bearcat isn’t just a word, but it’s a community.”

Nathan White

Nathan White

Nathan White

Year: Senior
Major: Management information systems
Hometown: Oak Grove, Missouri
Campus involvement: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Student Senate

“Being a Bearcat means stepping out of your comfort zone by meeting new people, achieving things you never thought were possible and giving back to the community. Bearcats know to never take time for granted, so you must make the most of your surroundings while you have the chance because life only happens once.”

Queen candidates

Liz Johnson

Liz Johnson

Liz Johnson

Year: Senior
Major: Agricultural education
Hometown: Unadilla, Nebraska
Campus involvement: Sigma Society, National Honor Society of Leadership and Success, Horticulture Club, Collegiate FFA/ATA/PAS

“Being a Bearcat means meeting lifelong friends, being involved and finding a home away from home.”

Grace McCarthy

Grace McCarthy

Grace McCarthy

Year: Senior
Major: Political science
Hometown: Solon, Iowa
Campus involvement: Blue Key, Student Senate, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Pre-Law Society, Peer Advisor

“To me, being a Bearcat means representing Northwest Missouri State University no matter where you are in the world. Bearcats are dedicated to being and doing their best in academics, organizations and service to their community. Northwest is, and forever will be, my home away from home.”

Emily Meneely

Emily Meneely

Emily Meneely

Year: Senior
Major: Education with an early childhood education emphasis
Hometown: Meadville, Missouri
Campus involvement: Student Ambassador, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Panhellenic Council, Order of Omega, Education Around the World, S.W.A.C., Northwest Navigators, College Republicans.

“Being a Bearcat to me means being a part of a family that is full of diversity, yet is closely intertwined. From the Maryville community, to the faculty and peers, and even the Horace Mann students, we are all part of the Bearcat family.”

Carmen Miller

Carmen Miller

Carmen Miller

Year: Senior
Major: Education with an early childhood education emphasis
Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska
Campus involvement: Alpha Sigma Alpha, Panhellenic Council, Student Senate, St. Jude Up’ til Dawn, Student Ambassador

“Being a Bearcat means being part of something bigger than yourself. You never walk through life alone as a Bearcat. There is a vast community of people supporting you every step of the way, whether you realize it or not.”

Debrielle Patee-Merrill

Debrielle Patee-Merrill

Debrielle Patee-Merrill

Year: Senior
Major: Geography
Hometown: Maryville, Missouri
Campus involvement: Student Senate vice president, Bearcat Steppers captain, Student Ambassador, Alpha Sigma Alpha, St. Jude Up’ til Dawn, Children’s Miracle Network Goodwill Ambassador, Active Minds

“Being a Bearcat means having a family that gets bigger every day. I have already grown up as the youngest of seven, so I’m used to being one of a crowd. But I’ll never be able to describe feeling my heart grow tenfold hearing the crowd of Bearcat nation at my first football game. It’s as simple as seeing a paw sticker on the highway, or a Northwest tag on a LinkedIn profile. The Bearcat family is always there for you through every phase of life, whether you’re a Spoofhound dreaming of becoming a Bearcat, or a proud alumni coming back home.”


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215